Return Loss:
14 dB
Maximum Noise Figure:
10 dB
AGC Regulation:
Plus or minus 1 dB output variation for rated input level
Skirt Rejection:
Minus 26 dB at plus or minus 9 MHz from channel center
Combining Network
A signal-combining network (mixer) shall be provided to combine the [VHF]
[and FM broadcast band network] into a single broadband signal. Combining
network shall have an output test point, [mixer output step attenuator] [,
dual pilot insertion network,] and removable mixer-to-trunk jumper.
Combining network shall be [rack] [wall] mounted with the associated head
end equipment and shall as a minimum conform to the following
Band pass:
As specified for system performance
Flatness over
any 6 MHz segment:
Plus or minus 0.1 dB
Flatness 54 - 216 MHz:
Plus or minus 0.5 dB
Maximum Insertion Loss:
2.5 dB
Channel Input
to Trunk Output:
15 dB
Channel Input
13 dB
Test Point (loss
from trunk output):
20 dB
Return Loss:
16 dB on channels employed
Isolation between any
two inputs:
30 dB
and Output:
75 ohms
FM System
The FM system shall as a minimum conform to the following specifications:
System Specifications
and Output:
75 ohms
Output Level:
Plus 36 dBmV
88 - 108 MHz
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