facility, except as limited by the contours of the
terrain and high rise buildings surrounding the site.
If the facility requires wide area radio paging
coverage beyond the transmission range of the onsite
Radio Page System, the facility will need to use a
wide area paging service. This could be an existing
Base/Post Radio Page System or leased pagers from a
commercial Radio Common Carrier (RCC) serving the
area. Fill in blank with name of base/post.
The radio equipment shall provide total coverage of the facility [and]
[_____] without degradation of message transmitted. Equipment shall comply
with the requirements set forth in the applicable subparts of 47 CFR 15.
Page Initiation
NOTE: There are four different page initiation
methods available: Total access paging from any
telephone location, limited access paging from
selected telephone location, access from push button
at the encoder and access from the nurse call
system. Facility requirements must be determined to
select the appropriate mode of page initiation
methods. Calls can be made from one or more
specified encoder locations. These are designated
here as administrative locations. Generally the
PABX attendant will handle paging. If paging is not
required from the nurse call system, delete
paragraph C. Provide a page priority chart for
Paging shall be initiated from [any telephone] [designated
telephones] by entering the radio page access number. When the
access connection is made the system shall respond with a
connection tone. The paging party shall then enter the address of
the pager or group of pagers. The paging party shall then enter
up to [10] [_____] numeric digits and then hang up. The system
shall immediately disconnect from the telephone connection. An
automatic time out shall disconnect the call after a preset time
limit in the event that the paging party does not complete the
page or does not hang up.
Paging shall be initiated from an administrative push button
location by pressing those buttons corresponding to a pocket page
receiver code. The address shall be visually displayed on the
operator station. The message characters shall then be entered
via the keyboard. The message shall be visually displayed on the
operator station. A transmit key shall then be activated to
transmit the signal. [A "BUSY" indicator lamp shall illuminate
during transmission from any other administrative locations.]
Paging shall be initiated from a nurse call master station by
activating the appropriate function keys. Data and messages
conveyed to the Radio Paging System shall include pager address,
encoding data for at least 2 priority alert signals, one for
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