SD-06 Test Reports
Approved Test Plan
Test plan and procedures, not later than [_____] days prior to
the start of testing. The test plan and test procedures shall
explain in detail, step-by-step actions and expected results to
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this
specification, and the methods for simulating the necessary
conditions of operation to demonstrate performance of the system.
Test reports in booklet form showing all field tests performed
to adjust each component and acceptance tests performed to prove
compliance with the specified performance criteria, upon
completion of installation and testing of the system. Each test
report shall include the final position of controls, operation
mode of the equipment, and the manufacturer's name, model number,
and serial number of test equipment used in each test.
SD-07 Certificates
Pocket Page Receiver
Manufacturer's certificate indicating compliance. Where
equipment or materials are specified to conform to the standards
or publications and requirements of EIA and UL, certificates
attesting that the items furnished under this section of the
specification conform to the specified requirements.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Radio Paging System[; G][; G, [_____]]
routine maintenance procedures, possible breakdowns and repairs,
and troubleshooting guides. The instructions shall include
equipment layout and simplified wiring and control diagrams of the
system as installed. [Six] [_____] complete copies of operator
manuals outlining the step-by-step procedures required for system
startup, operation and shutdown. The manuals shall include the
manufacturer's name, model number, service manual, parts list, and
a brief description of all equipment and their basic operating
Standard Products
Materials and equipment shall be the standard products of a manufacturer
regularly engaged in the manufacture of such products and shall essentially
duplicate items that have been in satisfactory use for at least 2 years
prior to bid opening. Equipment shall be supported by a service
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