Infant Code Blue Stations
a. Flush mount units in independent enclosures. Infant code blue stations
that are physically part of any other call station shall not be acceptable.
b. A pink color infant code blue push button call switch with the term
"CODE" OR "INFANT CODE" located on or directly adjacent to the call switch.
c. A call cancel push button switch that is clearly labeled "CANCEL".
Alternatively, the cancel function may be a toggle of the infant code blue
call switch.
An LED call assurance indicator.
Psychiatric Key Control Stations
Flush mount tamper proof unit.
b. A key operated switch to turn on/off the emergency and code blue call
capability in the rooms that are equipped with a Type 3 patient station.
c. The key shall be removable from the switch when the switch is in either
the on or off position.
d. An LED indicator that shall illuminate when the key switch is turned in
the ON position.
Staff Stations
Flush mount units.
b. Two types of staff stations. Each type shall have the required common
characteristics, plus the defined additional characteristics.
Type 1: Common characteristics.
Type 2: Common characteristics plus an emergency push button call switch.
Common characteristics for all types of staff stations.
(1) A staff routine call push button switch with the term "CALL"
located on or directly adjacent to the push button.
(2) A call cancel push button switch that is clearly labeled
"CANCEL". Alternatively, the cancel function may be a toggle of the staff
routine call switch.
(3) Full-duplex voice intercom as specified herein, including
microphone and speaker.
(4) An LED call assurance indicator lamp.
Additional Type 2 staff station characteristics:
A red color emergency push button call switch that is permanently labeled
as an Emergency call switch on or directly adjacent to the call switch.
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