indications on zone lights shall be absolutely identical to the call
indication on dome lights for each call type.
d. The dome light for any patient toilet room that opens into a procedure
room shall be equipped with an electronic alert tone device that shall
sound when a call is initiated.
e. On annunciator stations within a patient care area, the visual display
shall indicate the call type and call origination room, and sound an alert
tone. The visual display shall indicate all calls simultaneously. The
user room name and number shall identify the call origination room.
f. On the central code annunciator station, the visual display shall
indicate the code call and call origination patient care area and room, and
sound an alert tone. The visual display shall either indicate all calls
simultaneously, or scroll through multiple calls that are not
simultaneously displayed. The user room name and number shall identify the
call origination room.
g. Call alert tone signals on dome lights, zone lights, duty stations, and
annunciator stations shall sound at different intermittent pulse rates to
provide a clear and absolute distinction between call priorities. The
volume level of alert tones shall be adjustable. The actual sound volume
level setting for each device in each area shall be adjusted as coordinated
with and defined by the medical facility user.
h. The alert tones and visual indication displays for all types and
priorities of calls shall continue until the call has been answered and
canceled. All calls shall be canceled only at the originating call station.
i. On pagers, an alert tone or vibration shall activate, and an
alphanumeric data and text message shall indicate the identification of the
room where the call originated, and the call type.
j. Tone and light signals for each call type on the NCTV System shall be
consistent with the tone and light signals for the same call type on any
NCAV System in the same medical facility.
Call Annunciation Priorities
a. The annunciation of call types shall be sequenced in a three level
priority rank order, from a high of Number 1 to a low of Number 3, as
listed below.
Priority Level
Call Type
#1 Code
Code Blue
#2 Emergency
Emergency Failure Alarm
b. The system shall simultaneously process all calls regardless of the
priority. However, when several different priority calls are present on
the system at any one time, the highest priority call shall take precedence
for annunciation on stations or lights that display all call categories.
(1) For annunciation on duty stations, dome lights, and zone lights
that use common tone and visual indicators for multiple types of calls, the
highest priority call shall override the lower priority call. For example,
if dome or zone lights indicate an emergency call by a solid red light and
a code blue by a flashing red light, the dome and zone lights shall display
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