[Six] [_____] copies of operation and [six] [_____] copies of
shall be furnished prior to performance testing and the remainder
shall be furnished upon acceptance. Operating manuals shall
detail the step-by-step procedures required for system startup,
operation, and shutdown. Operating manuals shall include the
manufacturer's name, model number, parts list, and brief
description of all equipment and their basic operating features.
Maintenance manuals shall list routine maintenance procedures,
possible breakdowns and repairs, and troubleshooting guides.
simplified wiring and control diagrams of the system as installed.
The airfield and heliport lighting and visual navigation aids shall consist
of [airfield and heliport lighting] [airfield and heliport marking]
[obstruction lighting and marking] [beacon] [wind direction indicator]
[approach lights] [runway lights] [taxiway lights] [apron lights] [visual
glide slope indicator] [runway end identifier lights] [runway distance
markers] [taxiway signs] and the lighting power supply and control, and
Items of the same classification shall be identical including equipment,
assemblies, parts, and components.
Code Compliance
The installation shall comply with the requirements and recommendations of
NFPA 70 and IEEE C2 and local codes where required.
Standard Product
Material and equipment shall be a standard product of a manufacturer
regularly engaged in the manufacture of the product and shall essentially
duplicate items that have been in satisfactory use for at least 2 years
prior to bid opening.
Prevention of Corrosion
Aluminum shall not be used in contact with earth or concrete. Where
aluminum conductors are connected to dissimilar metal, fittings conforming
to UL 486A-486B shall be used.
Ferrous Metal Hardware
Ferrous metal hardware shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM
A 123/A 123M and ASTM A 153/A 153M.
Luminaires fabricated from ferrous metals, unless hot-dip galvanized or of
porcelain enamel finish shall be factory finished with a weather-resistant
finish in accordance with paragraphs FACTORY COATING and FINISHING, except
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