1) A complete itemized listing of equipment and materials
proposed for incorporation into the work; each itemization shall
include an item number, the quantity of items proposed, and the
name of the manufacturer.
2) Data composed of catalog cuts, brochures, circulars,
specifications and product data, and printed information in
sufficient detail and scope to verify compliance with requirements
of the contract documents shall be included.
Protection Plan
Protection plan as specified.
Requirements of training shall be provided [_____] weeks before
training is scheduled to begin.
Posted Instructions[; G][; G, [_____]]
Proposed diagrams, instructions, and other sheets shall be
SD-06 Test Reports
Field Quality Control
Notification to Contracting Officer prior to testing, as
Final Operating Test
Upon completion and testing of the installed system, performance
test reports are required in booklet form showing all field tests
performed to adjust each component and all field tests performed
to provide compliance with the specified performance criteria.
Each test shall indicate the final position of controls.
Inspection reports, as specified.
SD-07 Certificates
Certified documentation of qualifications, as specified.
Materials and Equipment
When equipment or materials are specified to conform to the
standards or publications and requirements of AASHTO, ANSI, ASTM,
AEIC, FM, IEEE, IES, NEMA, NFPA, or UL, or to an FAA, FS, or MS,
proof that the items furnished under this section of the
specifications conform to the specified requirements shall be
included. The label or listing in UL Elec Const Dir or in FM
P7825a, FM P7825b or the manufacturer's certification or published
catalog specification data statement that the items comply with
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