IEEE C62.11 and IEEE C62.41 as applicable with ratings as indicated.
[Include wheels-up lights, handholes, equipment vault, control panel, and
the associated equipment and interconnecting wiring to provide a complete
system as indicated and as specified herein.]
Wheels-Up Light Fixtures
FAA E-982 or MIL-L-26764 Type MB-2 for 120-volt, 500-watt lamp
(Q500-PAR56/MFL). Fixtures shall include a positioning arrangement to
adjust light with a locked position after installation. Provide lamps as
indicated. Provide a clear filter to protect lamp from direct contact with
Light Dimmer
As indicated and as specified below. Provide a single NEMA Type 6 housing
for assembly, submersible to a 915 mm 3 foot head. Enclosure shall have
limiting dimensions of 760 by 760 by 1220 mm 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 by 4 feet in
height. Provide enclosure finish in accordance with the manufacturer's
standard practice for the intended service. Provide dimmer designed for
continuous full-load operation in an ambient temperature of 40 degrees C.
Dimmer shall control rated circuit load from full bright to blackout, 12
volts or less, on any load from 3 to 100 percent of rated circuit load.
Provide output voltage not less than 120 volts at maximum controller
setting and at maximum rated circuit load. For an input variation of plus
or minus 10 percent, output voltage shall vary within plus or minus 5
percent. Provide dimmer capable of handling suddenly applied cold tungsten
lamp loads of full circuit load rating at maximum dimmer output setting
without failure or without degradation of components. When equipped with
branch circuit protection, dimmer shall handle a short circuit on load
terminals without failure or degradation of components. Dimmer shall
employ the principle of a variable transformer with output voltage
continuously adjustable from zero to maximum proportionately over the full
range. Provide motor driven unit with built-in limit switches, controlled
from a lever action, spring return to "off" switch. Solid-state controls
or equipment are prohibited.
Wheels Watch Control Panel
Construct as indicated and conform to UL 50. Provide cabinet and hinged
cover of No. 14 gage sheet steel, zinc coated by the hot-dip process, and
NEMA Type 4 suitable for outdoor use. Provide cabinet and cover treated,
primed, and finish painted with color as directed and suitable for the
intended service. Provide weatherproof receptacle on cabinet with threaded
cap and chain as indicated. Controls on the face of the panel shall have
clearly identified engraved nameplates. Provide panel with components
Include wave-off strobe lights (flashhead), equipment pad, control panel,
transformers, safety switches, panelboard and the associated equipment and
interconnecting wiring to provide a complete system as indicated and as
specified herein.
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