terminating bar lights: FAA E-982
pre-threshold wingbar: FAA E-982
approach threshold center bar: FAA AC 150/5345-46 Type L-850,
Style D or E
outer threshold bar: FAA E-982
economy approach REIL: FAA AC 150/5340-14
NOTE: Design the Approach Lighting System to
include an uninterrupted power supply to transfer
lighting load within one second of a power outage.
FAA criteria.
MIL-L-26764, Type MB-2, or FAA E-982 unidirectional, for elevated mounting
at cross bar, centerline bars, threshold and side row barrettes; FAA AC
150/5345-46, Type L-850, Class E or Class D bidirectional or
unidirectional, for semiflush mounting; and MIL-L-26990, Type MB-1, for
elevated mounting bidirectional lights. Provide class of light and lamp,
filter, and transformer as indicated. Include lamps. Mounting shall
conform to the details indicated. Mount bases level and recess as required
by thickness of fixture to provide installation in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
Sequenced Flashing Light System
FAA E-2628. [Provide as a complete and integrated part of the approach
system including individual power supply units, elevated flashing units,
master timer, remote control and monitor units, interconnecting wiring, and
support structures. Master timer cabinet shall provide timed flashing
signals to 21-lamp power supplies. System shall monitor individual lamp
flashes and report via normally open contacts a condition of two, three, or
more malfunctioning lamps or power supplies. The master timer cabinet can
be a solid-state type. Major components of this system shall be the
product of a single manufacturer. Install junction boxes as indicated on
concrete foundations and on the platform of elevated structures. Junction
boxes shall have conduit tappings in the bottom and top as required to
accommodate the incoming and outgoing power and control circuits for the
flashing lights. Provide terminal strips in each junction box as indicated
for termination and connection of the power and control circuits. Provide
signal and monitor cables as recommended by the system manufacturer.]
Pad-Mounted Transformer
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number and title
in the blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
Provide as indicated on the drawings and as specified in [_____] [Section
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