Onsite Training
The Contractor shall conduct a training course for the operating staff as
designated by the Contracting Officer. The training period shall consist
of a total of [_____] hours of normal working time and shall start after
the system is functionally completed but prior to final acceptance tests.
The course instruction shall cover pertinent points involved in operating,
starting, stopping, and servicing the equipment, as well as all major
course instructions shall demonstrate all routine maintenance operations.
A [_____] [VHS] format video tape of the entire training session shall be
Installation Engineer
After delivery of the equipment, the Contractor shall furnish one or more
field engineers, regularly employed by the equipment manufacturer to
supervise the installation of the equipment, assist in the performance of
the onsite tests, initial operation, and instruct personnel as to the
operational and maintenance features of the equipment.
Final acceptance of the facility will not be given until the Contractor has
successfully completed all tests and after all defects in installation,
material or operation have been corrected.
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