High-potential test.
SF6 dielectric test for SF6 interrupters in accordance with ASTM D
Manual and electrical operation of the switchgear.
Protective Relays
Protective relays shall be visually and mechanically inspected, adjusted,
tested, and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's published
instructions. Tests shall include pick-up, timing, contact action,
restraint, and other aspects necessary to insure proper calibration and
operation. Relay settings shall be implemented in accordance with the
coordination study. Relay contacts shall be manually or electrically
operated to verify that the proper breakers and alarms initiate. Relaying
current transformers shall be field tested in accordance with IEEE C57.13.
Pre-Energization Services
Calibration, testing, adjustment, and placing into service of the
installation shall be accomplished by a manufacturer's product field
service engineer or independent testing company with a minimum of two years
of current product experience. No part of the electrical system shall be
energized until all station grounding components have been tested and
demonstrated to comply with the specified requirements. The following
services shall be performed on the equipment listed below. These services
shall be performed subsequent to testing but prior to the initial
energization. The equipment shall be inspected to insure that installation
is in compliance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and as shown
major equipment shall be inspected to ensure the adequacy of connections.
Bare and insulated conductors between such terminations shall be inspected
to detect possible damage caused during installation. If factory tests
were not performed on completed assemblies, tests shall be performed after
the installation of completed assemblies. Components shall be inspected
for damage during installation or shipment and to verify that packaging
materials have been removed. Components capable of being both manually and
electrically operated shall be operated manually prior to the first
electrical operation. Components capable of being calibrated, adjusted,
and tested shall be calibrated, adjusted, and tested in accordance with the
instructions of the equipment manufacturer. Items for which such services
shall be provided include, but are not limited to, are the following:
Battery, station.
Breakers, circuit.
Bus, metal-enclosed.
Buses, station aerial.
Regulator, step-voltage.
Substation, primary unit.
Substation, primary unit, articulated.
Switches, disconnect [with] [without] power fuses.
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