Spare Accessory Storage
A cabinet shall be provided for storage of equipment accessories as
necessary, including spare fuses, fuse tongs, switch sticks, and other
tools and located where indicated. Shelves or other appropriate supporting
methods shall provide an individual space for each type of item stored.
Fire Extinguisher Storage
An outdoor cabinet for housing a Government-provided, hand-operated,
self-expellent, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher of 4.5 to 6.8 kg 10 to 15
pounds capacity for Class C fires shall be provided and located as
approved. The cabinet shall have a glass cover door and be painted red.
Field Welding
Procedures and welders shall be qualified in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M
for structural welding and ASME BPVC SEC IX for welding of equipment.
Welding procedures qualified by others, and welders and welding operators
qualified by a previously qualified employer may be accepted as permitted
by ASME B31.3. The Contracting Officer shall be notified 24 hours in
advance of tests and the tests shall be performed at the work site if
practical. The Contracting Officer shall be provided with a copy of
qualified welders and welding operators. The welder or welding operator
shall apply his assigned symbol near each weld he makes as a permanent
record. [Structural members shall be welded in accordance with Section
05090A WELDING, STRUCTURAL.] [Welding and nondestructive testing procedures
are specified in Section 05093 WELDING PRESSURE PIPING.] Gas-metal arc
welding shall be performed by welders certified to perform gas-metal arc
Connections to Utility Lines
NOTE: This paragraph will be further developed to
suit the conditions of any connections required to
the serving utility's lines.
The Contractor shall coordinate the work with the Contracting Officer and
shall provide final connections to the [utility] [installation] electric
Disposal of Liquid Dielectrics
PCB contaminated dielectrics must be marked as PCB and transported to and
incinerated by an approved EPA waste disposal facility. The Contractor
shall furnish certification of proper disposal. Contaminated dielectric
than 10 MVA or not liquid-filled. Specify phase
sequence in accordance with the local practice.
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