Perform the dielectric withstand voltage test in accordance with [
MIL-F-15733] [UL 1283].
NOTE: This section represents an exception to the
general policy of not including sketches and other
supplementary material, located at end of section in
the project specification. The Tables 1 and 2 and
Figure 1 are to be included in project
Perform the following test if MIL-STD-220 tests are not performed on the
specific filters provided under this Contract. Alternatively, the filter
manufacturer may perform the following test in lieu of MIL-STD-220 tests.
Perform RF current attenuation test on individual filters rated 1000
amperes and below by injecting RF current through the filters at 14 kHz,
100 kHz, 1 MHz, and 20 MHz; measuring the input and output RF current; and
recording the results. Test setup shall be as shown in Figure 1. Testing
and measuring equipment required to perform the test shall be selected from
Table 1. Filters failing this test shall be rejected, regardless of the
results of other tests specified in this section. Test procedure shall be
as follows:
Set up signal generator and current source and data acquisition
equipment in the configuration indicated and perform calibrations.
Weld a wire lug to the filter's case in the output terminal
compartment and attach a wire sized to carry filter rated current
between the lug and filter output terminal as shown. Wire shall
be no longer than necessary to make connections at each end.
Inject a current into the circuit under test at the lowest
available output from the signal generator and current source.
connections, operator safety, and expected equipment response
before injecting rated current into test setup.
Apply filter rated current for 5 minutes before measuring output
RF current at 14 kHZ. Repeat this procedure at each of the other
frequencies specified and record the results after each test at
Filters specified as meeting MIL-STD-220 limits shall fall within
the /\ dB limits shown in Table 2.
Deenergize the test setup, remove the filter, insert the next
filter to be tested, and repeat the specified test procedure.
NOTE: If this section is used as a procurement
specification, delete the paragraphs in PART 3. For
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