shall be furnished by the TAB team. Prepare the report neatly and legibly;
the Pre-final DALT report shall provide the basis for the Certified Final
DALT Report. TAB supervisor's shall review and certify the Pre-final DALT
Report and submit this report within one day of completion of DALT field
work. Verbally notify the Contracting Officer's TAB representative that
the field check of the Pre-final DALT Report data can commence.
Field check for accuracy selected Pre-final DALT Report data in the
presence of the Contracting Officer's TAB representative (COTR). For each
duct system, conduct field checks on 50 percent of the duct sections
DALT'd. The TAB team field leader shall be present full-time when DALT
field checking is conducted.
Additional Field Checks
If any of the duct sections checked for a given system are determined to be
out-of-tolerance, data checking for that section shall be terminated and
the associated Pre-final DALT Report data for the given system shall be
disapproved. The Contractor shall make the necessary corrections and
prepare a revised Pre-final DALT Report. A field check of the revised
report data shall then be rescheduled with the Contracting Officer's TAB
Further, if any data on the DALT Pre-final DALT report form for a given
duct section is out-of-tolerance, then data for one additional duct
section, preferably in the same duct system, shall be field checked as
specified herein. The DALT'd duct section to be field checked shall be in
addition to the original 50 percent of duct sections to be field checked.
Certified Final DALT Report
On successful completion of all field checks of the Pre-final DALT Report
data for all systems, the TABS Supervisor shall assemble, review, certify
and submit the Certified Final DALT Report to the Contracting Officer for
Prerequisite for TAB Field Work
No TAB field work shall commence prior to the completion and approval, for
all systems, of the Certified Final DALT Report.
TAB Field Work
NOTE: For those projects having only a single
certified TAB report, delete the last sentence of
the following paragraph.
Test, adjust, and balance the listed HVAC systems to the state of operation
indicated on and specified in the contract design documents. Conduct TAB
work, including maintenance and calibration of instruments, measurement
accuracy, and sound measurement work in conformance with the AABC MN-1 and
AABC MN-4, or NEBB TABES, and NEBB MASV, except as supplemented and
modified by this section. Provide instruments and consumables required to
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