26,370 Watts7.5 tons (90,000 Btu) cooling, such as factory
manufactured units, central built-up units and rooftop units,
capacity tests shall be conducted in accordance with AABC MN-4,
procedure 3.5, "Coil Capacity Testing".
Entering and leaving wet and dry bulb temperatures shall not be
determined by single point measurement, but shall be the average
of multiple readings in compliance with paragraph 3.5-5,
"Procedures", (in subparagraph d.) of AABC MN-4, Procedure 3.5,
"Coil Capacity Testing."
Submit part-load coil performance data from the coil manufacturer
converting test conditions to design conditions; the data shall be
used for the purpose of verifying that the coils meet the
indicated design capacity in compliance with AABC MN-4, Procedure
3.5, "Coil Capacity Testing," paragraph 3.5.7, "Actual Capacity
Vs. Design Capacity" (in subparagraph c.).]
For units with capacities of 26370 Watts7.5 tons (90,000 Btu) or
less, such as fan coil units, duct mounted reheat coils associated
with VAV terminal units, and unitary units, such as
through-the-wall heat pumps:
The apparent coil capacity shall be determined by calculations
using single point measurement of entering and leaving wet and dry
bulb temperatures; the calculations shall be submitted with the
coil reports.]
NOTE: Choose the text immediately below, or the
text above entitled "TAB Work On Performance Tests
Without Seasonal Limitations." Refer to technical
note immediately above. The text immediately below
requires one trip each for Seasons 1 and 2.
TAB Work on Performance Tests With Seasonal Limitations
Performance Tests
Accomplish proportionate balancing TAB work on the air distribution systems
and water distribution systems, in other words, accomplish adjusting and
balancing of the air flows and water flows, any time during the duration of
this contract, subject to the limitations specified elsewhere in this
section. However, accomplish, within the following seasonal limitations,
TAB work on HVAC systems which directly transfer thermal energy.
Season Of Maximum Load
Visit the contract site for at least two TAB work sessions for TAB field
measurements. [Visit the contract site during the season of maximum
heating load] [and] [visit the contract site during the season of maximum
cooling load], the goal being to TAB the operational performance of the
outdoor environment-caused loading. During the seasonal limitations, TAB
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