Provide dampers in air ducts.
NOTE: Use parallel blade dampers for mixing boxes
and where two-position control is required. Use
opposed blade dampers for modulating applications
for face and bypass control.
Damper Assembly
Damper shall conform to SMACNA HVAC Duct Const Stds. A single damper
section shall have blades no longer than 1219 mm 48 inches and shall be no
higher than 1829 mm 72 inches. Maximum damper blade width shall be 200 mm
8 inches. Larger sizes shall consist of a combination of sections.
Dampers shall be steel or other materials where indicated. Flat blades
shall be made rigid by folding the edges. Provide blades with compressible
seals at points of contact. Provide channel frames of dampers with jamb
seals to minimize air leakage. Dampers shall not leak in excess of 51 L/s
per square meter 10 cfm per square foot at 996 Pa 4 inches water gage
static pressure when closed. Seals shall be suitable for an operating
temperature range of minus 40 degrees C to 93 degrees C 40 degrees F to 200
degrees F. Dampers shall be rated at not less than 10 m/s 2000 fpm air
velocity. Moving parts of the operating linkage in contact with each other
shall consist of dissimilar materials. Damper axles shall be 13 mm 0.5 inch
minimum plated steel rods supported in the damper frame by stainless steel
or bronze bearings. Blades mounted vertically shall be supported by a
Pressure drop through dampers
shall not exceed 12 Pa 0.05 inch water gage at 5 m/s 1,000 fpm in the
wide-open position. Frames shall not be less than 51 mm 2 inches wide.
Dampers shall be tested in accordance with AMCA 500-D.
Operating Links
Operating links external to dampers, such as crankarms, connecting rods,
and line shafting for transmitting motion from damper actuators to dampers,
shall withstand a load equal to at least twice the maximum required
damper-operating force. Rod lengths shall be adjustable. Links shall be
brass, bronze, zinc-coated steel, or stainless steel. Mating parts shall
consist of dissimilar materials. Working parts of joints and clevises
shall be brass, bronze, or stainless steel. Adjustments of crankarms shall
control the open and closed position of dampers.
Provide smoke detectors in return and supply air ducts on the downstream
side of the filters in accordance with NFPA 90A, except as otherwise
indicated. Provide UL listed or FM approved detectors for duct
Smoke Detectors
NOTE: Choose one of the following options.
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