Type of [coal-fired boiler] [refuse-fired waste disposal
NOTE: Generally, the complete gas system is
included in the model test.
The precipitator manufacturer or a Contracting Officer approved independent
modeling and testing lab shall perform a three dimensional model test of
not less than 1:100 1/8 scale. Hold all model dimensions to within plus or
minus 1.50 mm 1/16 inch. The precipitator manufacturer or testing lab
shall have at least five years experience in conducting electrostatic
precipitator model tests. (The five years of experience is required prior
to proposal submittal.) The test shall determine the gas flow patterns in
accordance with ICAC EP-7procedures, the potential areas of dust
accumulation using sifted bleached wheat flour and neutral buoyancy
bubbles, velocity distribution, and potential pressure drop reductions
through the precipitator, nozzles, and breeching. Model breeching and
particulate control equipment from [_____] to [_____]. Include
precipitator hoppers, collection plates, distribution devices, turning
vanes, anti-sneak baffles and internal bracing and supports. Simulate the
cyclones to represent the adversely affected gas flow distribution from the
cyclones. Perform flow and dust distribution tests at 30, 50, 75, 100, and
125 percent of maximum continuous flow rating. Notify the Contracting
Officer of test dates in writing not less than 14 calendar days before
tests are to begin.
Precipitator Model Tests Reports
NOTE: Include other test locations of concern based
on the preliminary breeching design. These may
include inlets to induced draft fans and stacks as
well as bypass breeching.
Complete model testing and have approved by the Contracting Officer prior
to submittal of drawings. Provide reports within 30 days of test
completion. Include a scale drawing of the model showing actual dimensions
and a scale drawing of the full-size installation showing modifications
made and devices added to the breeching and transitions as a result of the
model study. Include uniform gas velocity diagrams and histograms,
indicating the root mean square velocity deviation, standard deviation, and
mean velocity, at strategic locations which shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:
Inlet to electrostatic precipitator.
Outlet of electrostatic precipitator.
Provide a complete explanation of the test procedures including flow rates,
pressures, sample calculations and assumptions prior to testing. List and
justify deviations in dynamic or geometric similitude by the model from the
full-size installation. The test report shall recommend breeching
configuration changes, gas flow vaning, straightening or other gas
distribution devices in the system required to meet ICAC EP-7 requirements
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