The filtration system housing shall be factory leak tested in accordance
with ASME N-510-1, Section 6, using the pressure decay method. The maximum
housing leakage rate acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with DOE
HDBK-XXXX table 4.5, which is [0.05] [0.20] percent of housing volume at
2480 pascals 10 inches wg pressure differential. The housing shall be
tested both positively and negatively to the design pressure of [5,000]
[_____] pascals [20] [_____] inches wg before performing the DOE HDBK-XXXX
housing leak acceptance criteria test.
Airflow Capacity and Distribution Test
The airflow across each filtration element bank shall be measured to verify
that it meets the designed flow rate under actual field conditions. The
test shall also verify that the airflow is distributed evenly across each
filtration element bank as required by ASME N-510-1 which is +/- 20 percent
of the average airflow through each filter bank. All tests shall be in
accordance with ASME N-510-1.
Air-Aerosol Mixing Uniformity Test
A challenge gas shall be introduced into the air system to verify that it
has uniformly mixed before entering the filtration element bank. The test
procedure shall follow and comply with ASME N-510-1.
Damper Operation and Leakage Test
The damper shall be tested to verify that it operates as specified. The
air leakage rate through the isolation dampers shall be measured and
recorded. The damper shall be functionally tested as required in ASME
N-510-1. [The leakage test method for Class 0 dampers shall be the
pressure decay or bubble test method as specified in ASME AG 1 and ASME
N-510-1.] [The leakage test for Class 1 dampers shall be in accordance with
System Bypass Test (Filter and Adsorber Mounting Frame)
The filtration elements at each [HEPA] [HEPA and Carbon Adsorber] mounting
frame housing location shall be removed and replaced with a test blank.
The filtration element housing and housing seal shall be tested in
accordance with ASME N-510-1. The air that bypasses the test blank shall
be measured and recorded as an air leakage rate, repaired by seal welding
and retested. Caulking or other temporary sealing measures are not
allowed. The acceptable leakage rate shall be zero percent. After testing
is completed the blank shall be removed and the filtration elements
reinstalled. The test blank shall then be turned over to the Contracting
The filtration system shall be mounted with protective shipping skids,
crated or covered, blocked, braced, and cushioned as necessary to prevent
physical damage during shipping.
NOTE: A number of factors will determine the
efficiency of a carbon adsorber system; generally, 8
x 16 mesh carbon granules provide at least 99.9
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