CK Gas Life Test
After completion of all manufactures steps, the adsorber cell's carbon
shall comply with the CK gas sorption requirement of EA-DTL-1704 for unaged
carbon. The CK Gas Life of the carbon samples shall be determined in
accordance with EA-DTL-1704. The production lot of cells shall be rejected
if any sample fails to meet the CK gas life requirements as indicated.
Gasket Seal
An interlocking dovetailed gasket shall be mounted and sealed to the
perimeter of the upstream face of the filtration element frame in
accordance with ASME AG 1, Section FC. The gasket shall be oil resistant
expanded cellular elastomer conforming to ASTM D 1056 Grade 2C2. The
gasket shall be able to withstand the specified applied clamping force
without loss of seal resilient memory.
Fluid Seal
NOTE: Fluid seals are limited to low-temperature
filtration applications.
Filtration element frames shall have an integral channel filled with a
fluid seal. The fluid seal shall engage a continuous knife-edge on the
housing mounting frame. The fluid seal shall be highly viscous, odorless,
biostatic, self-healing, non-evaporating, non-Newtonian, radiation and
chemical resistant, insoluble in water, silicone compound, and suitable for
a temperature range of -50 to 202 degrees C -58 to 396 degrees F. The
channel shall be sealed before the fluid seal is placed into the channel.
The fluid seal must not pull out of the groove or leave a residue on the
housing mounting frame knife-edge.
Each filtration element access location shall be provided with a
bag-in/bag-out assembly and 0.20 mm 8 mil transparent PVC bag sized to
completely enclose the element and suitable for 57.2 degrees C 135 degrees F
ambient environment. The assembly shall be located inside the access
door. The bag shall have an elastic shock cord hemmed into its mouth and
secured by a strap to the assembly to prevent bag slippage during the
filtration element bagging procedure. The bag shall be tested at the
factory to ensure it has no leaks. An additional quantity of [one complete
set of] [_____] spare bags shall also be provided and turned over to the
Contracting Officer. One complete banding kit shall be provided with each
filtration unit equipped with a bag-in/bag-out assembly. The banding kit
shall provide a secure clamping off of the bag between the housing and the
spent filtration element. Each kit shall contain a banding tool, a
bag-cutting tool, and two sets of plastic ties, stainless steel bands, and
replacement bags. Additional tools required to complete the bag-in/bag-out
procedure shall also be provided.
NOTE: Test sections are necessary to perform
leakage tests and to locate leaks in multiple filter
arrays. Filters or adsorbers placed in series will
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