b. Breakthrough Concentration: 0.02 mg/m3 0.004 ppm
d. Temperature: 45 degrees C +/- 5 degrees C 113 degrees F +/- 9
degrees F
1) For the adsorber cell to be acceptable, the breakthrough time for the
DMMP concentration of the filter effluent to increase to 0.02 mg/m3 0.004
ppm shall be as indicated. While the challenge concentration is permitted
to vary within the stated range during the course of the test, the
breakthrough time measured must be normalized to the 5,000 mg/m3 1050 ppm
concentration by the following calculation:
2) Corrected breakthrough time = Measured breakthrough time x Average
concentration during test x 5,000 mg/m3 1050 ppm.
3) The DMMP vapor in air challenge concentration shall be created to
ensure uniform mixing of the DMMP vapor with the air once it reaches the
test cell. Qualification testing to verify the DMMP vapor concentration is
uniform across the cell face shall be on file and available for inspection.
The test tunnel shall be operated at the rated flow. The inlet face of
the cell shall be challenged as specified above. The total time from the
start of the cell challenge until the breakthrough concentration is reached
(i.e. the life of the cell) shall be recorded as the breakthrough time.
This testing shall be performed by the Government at the following location:
Quality Evaluation Laboratory,Engineering Directorate,
U.S. Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5423
(410) 436-2284
(410) 436-4804 (FAX)
Moisture Content/Cyanogen Chloride (CK) Gas Life Sampling
A minimum 0.45 kg one pound specimen of carbon shall be obtained during
filling of the first cell, the middle cell, and the last cell of the day.
Each carbon specimen shall be placed in an open container or in a cloth bag
and accompany its cell through the assembly line. The specimen shall not
be exposed to refrigerant. The carbon specimen shall be labeled to match
it to its adsorber cell. Upon completion of the lot, a sample shall be
chosen from the specimens in each quarter of the lot. These 4 samples
shall be shipped and tested by the Government at the location indicated
Moisture Content
Carbon samples shall be sampled as indicated and moisture content of each
carbon adsorbing cell shall not exceed 3 percent by weight when tested.
The moisture content of the carbon samples shall be determined in
accordance with ASTM D 2867, except the oven temperature shall be 103 to
107 degrees C 217 to 225 degrees F and the drying time shall be 3 hours.
Should any sample fail to meet the moisture requirements, all cells
fabricated following the last cell represented by a sample carbon which did
meet the requirement and before the carbon represented by the next carbon
sample which does meet the requirement shall be removed from the production
lot. These cells may be dried at a temperature not to exceed 66 degrees C
rated flow for 3 hours, immediately before packaging.
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