d. Fan Units
e. Flexible Connection
f. Pressure Gauge
h. Testing Agency Qualifications
Welding[; G][; G, [_____]]
A copy of qualified welding procedures, at least 2 weeks prior
to the start of welding operations. A list of names and
at least 2 weeks prior to the start of welding operations.
Acceptance Tests
A copy of the test procedures, at least 2 weeks prior to testing.
the start of related tests.
Field Training
Proposed schedule for field training, at least 2 weeks prior to
the start of related field training.
SD-06 Test Reports
Acceptance Tests
Certified test report for adsorbent filtration type. Test
reports for filtration unit factory acceptance test, filtration
unit field test, isolation damper acceptance test, air-aerosol
mixing uniformity test, damper operation and leakage test, housing
leak and pressure test, system bypass test, and performance tests
in booklet form, upon completion of testing. Reports shall
document phases of tests performed including initial test summary,
repairs/adjustments made, and final test results.
SD-07 Certificates
Field Acceptance Test
Testing agency certification prior to in-place filtration
element testing.
Preparation for Shipping
Certification of compliance including a certified list of
Carbon Adsorber
Documentation including table and/or schematic identifying
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