visibly to the heat pump unit or on the wall in the mechanical room if
serving a system of multiple heat pumps. A permanent label shall be
affixed to each heat pump unit indicating basic information for that unit.
The information shall include: nominal flow rate l/s gpm, pressure drop kPa
feet, temperature drop/rise degree C degree F, and capacity W Btu/hr.
Piping Welding Requirements
conformance with ASME B31.9, as modified and supplemented by this
specification section and the accompanying drawings. The welding work
includes: qualification of welding procedures, welders, welding operators,
brazers, brazing operators, and nondestructive examination personnel;
maintenance of welding records, and examination methods for welds.
Employer's Record Documents
Submit to the Contracting Officer for their review and approval the
following documentation. This documentation and the subject qualifications
shall be in compliance with ASME B31.9.
List of qualified welding procedures that is proposed to be used
to provide the work specified in this specification section.
List of qualified welders, brazers, welding operators, and brazing
operators that are proposed to be used to provide the work
specified in this specification section.
List of qualified weld examination personnel that are proposed to
be used to provide the work specified in this specification
Welding Procedures and Qualifications
Specifications and Test Results: Submit copies of the welding
procedures specifications and procedure qualification test results
for each type of welding required. Approval of any procedure does
not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for producing
acceptable welds. Submit this information on the forms printed in
ASME BPVC SEC IX or their equivalent.
Certification: Before assigning welders or welding operators to
the work, submit a list of qualified welders, together with data
and certification that each individual is performance qualified as
specified. Do not start welding work prior to submitting welder,
state the type of welding and positions for which each is
qualified, the code and procedure under which each is qualified,
date qualified, and the firm and individual certifying the
qualification tests.
Welding Examinations
Conduct non-destructive examinations (NDE) on piping welds and verify welds
meet the acceptance criteria specified in ASME B31.9. NDE on piping welds
covered by ASME B31.9 is visual inspection only. Submit a piping welds NDE
report meeting the requirements specified in ASME B31.9.
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