Plate Heat Exchangers - field acceptance test plan; G]
Water-source water-to-air heat pumps - field acceptance test report;
Water-source water-to-water heat pumps - field acceptance test
report; G]
Closed Circuit Coolers - field acceptance test report; G]
SD-07 Certificates
Employer's record documents
Welding procedures and qualifications
Qualifications of ground heat exchanger fabricators; G
Qualifications of ground heat exchanger installers; G
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
Closed Circuit Coolers - installation instructions]
Plate Heat Exchangers - installation instructions]
Heat Tape - installation instructions]
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Water-source water-to-air heat pumps, Data Package 2; G]
Water-source water-to-water heat pumps, Data Package 2; G]
Closed Circuit Coolers, Data Package 2; G]
Heat Tape, Data Package 2; G]
Submit in accordance with Section 01781 OPERATION AND
Ground heat exchanger piping system As-Built Drawings
Provide dimensioned as-built drawings of each complete ground heat
exchanger piping system, depicting its relationship to other utilities and
buildings in its proximity before burying, covering, or concealing.
Drawings shall be of a quality equivalent to the contract design drawings.
The as-built drawings of the installed ground heat exchanger piping system
shall be laminated or stored in a clear plastic envelope and affixed
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