Mount controls in cabinet. Manual controls shall permit operation of
either the fan or the fan and refrigerating equipment. Fan control shall
provide two fan speed settings. Automatic controls shall include a
thermostat for controlling air temperature. Thermostat shall have an
adjustable range, including 22 to 27 degrees C 72 to 80 degrees Fand shall
automatically turn the refrigeration system on or off to maintain the
preselected temperature within plus or minus 20 degrees C 4 degrees F.
NOTE: Equipment having a higher efficiency than
required by ASHRAE 90.1 or FS A-A-50502 shall be
specified if shown to be life-cycle cost effective.
NOTE: Include "suitability for ductwork"
requirement when part of conditioned air is to be
ducted to an adjacent room. Require factory
fabricated duct package.
Heat Pumps
ARI 310/380, UL 484, air-cooled, thru-wall type, ARI certified, and UL
listed. [Minimum energy efficiency shall be in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1.]
[Heat pumps shall have a minimum energy efficiency ratio (EER) of [_____]
and a minimum Coefficient of Performance (COP) of [_____].] Provide units
listed in ARI DCAACP. [Provide supplemental electric resistance heaters
integral with unit.] [Provide units suitable for use with minimal ductwork
having a total external static resistance up to 25 Pa 0.1 inch of water.]
Air Conditioners
ARI 310/380, UL 484, air-cooled, thru-wall type, ARI certified, and UL
listed. Provide units with [heating only] [cooling only] [combination
heating and cooling] section with indicated capacity. Minimum energy
efficiency ratio (EER) shall be [in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1.] [_____
EER.] Provide units listed in ARI DCAACP. [Provide units suitable for use
with minimal ductwork having a total external static resistance up to 25 Pa
0.1 inch of water.]
Indoor Noise Rating
NOTE: Develop and specify the sound level
requirements for specific equipment applications.
Ensure at least three manufacturers can meet the
noise rating specified.
Rate in accordance with ARI 350. Indoor rating shall not exceed [_____]
bels while entire unit is operating at any fan or compressor speed.
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