the four hour test period shall be started over. Each test plan shall be
job specific and shall address the particular CRACU[s] and particular
conditions which exist with this contract. Generic or general preprinted
test procedures are not acceptable. [Tests shall include [a pressurized
raised floor discharge configuration at the specified or indicated height
above the floor,][ with or without the air discharge elbows; ][or a top air
discharge configuration][ and corrosion protection.]]
Tested Variables
Plans shall provide for air side testing which includes verification of the
airflow, total static pressure; fan drive motor KW, amperage and RPM; and
fan RPM. Provide entering air temperatures equal to those indicated on the
CRACU schedules.
Thermal Testing
Plans shall provide thermal testing utilizing [chilled water] [40 percent
ethylene glycol and 60 percent water solution] [and] [hot water] with
temperatures equal to those indicated on the CRACU schedules. Thermal
testing shall verify CRACU heating, sensible cooling, total cooling, and
humidifying performance scheduled on the contract drawings.
Specialized Components
Include procedures for field testing and field adjusting specialized
components, such as hot gas bypass control valves, or pressure valves.
Field Test Reporting Forms
Each test plan shall include the required test reporting forms to be
completed by the Contractor's testing representatives.
Field Test Schedule
Notify the Contracting Officer in writing at least 30 calendar days prior
to the testing. Within 30 calendar days after acceptable completion of
testing, submit each test report for the review and approval of the
Contracting Officer.
Manufacturer's Test Representative
Furnish a factory trained field test representative authorized by the CRACU
manufacturer to oversee the complete execution of the field testing. This
test representative shall also review, approve, and sign the completed
field test report. Signatures shall be accompanied by the person's name
Submit credentials of the manufacturer's field test representative
proposed, including current telephone number, to the Contracting Officer
for review and approval. Submit these credentials with the written advance
notice of the field tests
Field Tests
Conduct the field testing in compliance with the Contracting Officer
approved manufacturer's field test plan, and in accordance with additional
field testing requirements specified herein. Record the required data
using the test reporting forms approved of the approved field test plan.
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