mixing of chemicals.
The tanks shall be constructed of [high density polyethylene] [stainless
steel] with a hinged cover. The tanks shall have sufficient capacity to
require recharging only once per 7 days during normal operation. A level
indicating device shall be included with each tank. An electric agitator
shall be provided for each tank.
Injection Assemblies
An injection assembly shall be provided at each chemical injection point
located along the boiler piping as indicated. The injection assemblies
shall be constructed of stainless steel. The discharge of the assemblies
shall extend to the centerline of the piping. Each assembly shall include
a shutoff valve and check valve at the point of entrance into the water
Water Meter
The water meter shall be provided with an electric contacting register and
remote accumulative counter. The meter shall be installed within the
makeup water line, as indicated.
Water Treatment Control Panel
NOTE: The MAN-OFF-AUTO switch should be deleted for
continuously fed systems.
The control panel shall be a NEMA 12, single door, wall-mounted box
conforming with NEMA 250. The panel shall be constructed of [steel]
[stainless steel] with a hinged door and lock. The panel shall contain, as
a minimum, the following functions identified with a laminated plastic
Main power switch and indicating light
MAN-OFF-AUTO selector switch
Indicating lamp for blow down
Indicating lamp for each chemical feed pump
Indicating lamp for the water softener
Sequence of Operation
NOTE: Manually set flow rates should only be used
when fluctuations in steam demand and makeup water
are not expected. Typically, automatic blowdown
will be economical for boilers with capacities
greater than 2.9 MW (10,000,000 Btuh).
The flow rate of chemical addition shall be based upon [metering the makeup
water.] [a manual setting.] The boiler shall be provided with [continuous
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