1. Each OFF-NORMAL condition shall cause an alarm and appropriate
message, including time and date of alarm, system and point
descriptor and alarm condition. Operator shall have the ability
to select, at any time, which state or value shall be considered
alarms and which alarms shall cause automatic dial-out to occur.
2. Each critical alarm or change-of-state message shall be
displayed. Controller LAN network alarm messages shall be stored
on disk and may be reviewed on the display printed on operator
selected printer at any time. It shall be possible to sort this
alarm and change-of-state database by date, time or item fields.
3. Automatic user defined time delay of alarms during equipment
start-up or shut-down shall be provided.
4. Unacknowledged alarms will continue to blink even if alarm
condition has returned to normal.
5. Only operator acknowledgment can remove the blinking alarm
6. Operator workstation will notify an operator of an alarm
condition in one or more points or controllers anywhere in the
7. Alarm notification shall consist of an automatic print of the
alarm condition.
Prepared Historical Report: Provide an on-line, historical, data
base sort report utility with: Prompts to select data base sort
by time, by date, by point or range of points with system supplied
default values of 24 hours, today, all Controller LAN points,
respectively. Prompts for activating "conditional" sorts,
including: changes-of-state, alarms, returns to normal, operator
sign on/off, operator acknowledgements, command errors, program
control of a point, test on/off, manual on/off, program control
(Demand, Event) override, power restore, LAN reconfiguration,
controller off line, time/data modifications and archive disk
memory 90 percent full, 95 percent full and full. Single
keystroke retrieval resulting in a report listing the most recent
condition first, along with the time, date, address, name,
condition type, and value. The supervisory computer workstation
shall provide functions listed below.
Graphics Screen Format
Graphics screen format showing process variable in engineering units, such
as process variable setpoint s, analog or digital input or output
conditions, and to meet requirements of the Centralized Monitoring System
of this specification shall be submitted. Submittal shall include the
proposed input conditions shown on flow diagrams created by the Contractor
drawings from boiler manufacturer.
Graphic Display
At a minimum, the following screens shall be available:
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