[Zoom: It shall be possible for operator to locate system point
to monitor status, issue commands, or edit associated database
without knowledge of the point name, address, or associated
controller, and without having to refer to a tree directory.
Operator shall be able to locate control points by, for example,
zooming in on a floor in a building graphic or zooming in on a
system in a floor plan graphic.]
System software shall be compiled for faster execution speeds and
shall offer the following features and capabilities that follow.
1. Input/Output Capabilities: From the connected supervisory
computer workstation, the system operator shall have ability to:
2. Request displays of current values or status using a tabular
[or graphic format.] [A global data base sorting utility shall
allow an expanded tabular display of only points on current
graphic display.] This [expanded tabular] display shall list
point name, hardware address, dynamic state or value, alarm
status, override and test mode status.
Initiate logs and reports.
Change analog limits.
5. Change point input and output descriptors, status, alarm
descriptors and engineering unit descriptors while system is
Modify and set up maintenance scheduling parameters.
7. Develop, modify, delete or display full range of color graphic
displays. Development, editing and display work shall be possible
Controller LAN without disruption of system function.
8. Select discrete or analog sample data from the field to be
automatically archived in the assigned workstation. This
archiving shall occur even if workstation is running third party
software such as word processing or electronic spreadsheets.
9. Comprehensive report writer capability to sort and extract
data from archived files and to generate finished custom reports.
Reports shall be initiated manually or automatically printed.
System shall have capability to print reports on daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly or scheduled basis. Report writer shall provide
capability for statistical data manipulation and extraction. As a
minimum, the custom report writer shall provide capability to
generate following types of reports:
Statistical detail reports
Summary reports.
Trend graphic plots.
X-Y graphic plots.]
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