duplicate items that have been in satisfactory use for at least 2 years
prior to bid opening. Equipment shall be supported by a service
organization that is, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, reasonably
convenient to the site.
Each major item of equipment shall have the manufacturer's name, address,
type or style, model or serial number, and catalog number on a plate
secured to the item of equipment.
Prevention of Rust
Unless otherwise specified, surfaces of ferrous metal subject to corrosion
shall be factory prime painted with a rust inhibiting coating and
subsequently factory finish painted in accordance with the manufacturer's
standard practice. Equipment exposed to high temperature when in service
shall be prime and finish painted with the manufacturer's standard heat
resistant paint to a minimum thickness of 0.025 mm 1 mil.
Equipment Guards and Access
Belts, pulleys, chains, gears, couplings, projecting setscrews, keys, and
other rotating parts exposed to personnel contact shall be fully enclosed
or guarded. High temperature equipment and piping exposed to contact by
personnel or where it creates a fire hazard shall be properly guarded or
covered with insulation of a type specified. Items such as catwalks,
operating platforms, ladders, and guardrails shall be provided where shown
and shall be constructed in accordance with Section 05500A MISCELLANEOUS
Verification of Dimensions
The Contractor shall become familiar with all details of the work, verify
all dimensions in the field, and shall advise the Contracting Officer of
any discrepancy before performing the work.
NOTE: Where pipeline, structural, or other welding
is required on the same project, tests will be
required accordingly. Testing may be by the coupon
method as prescribed in the welding code or by
special radiographic methods. If the need exists
for more stringent requirements for weldments,
delete the first bracketed statement and delete the
welding submittal.
[Piping shall be welded in accordance with qualified procedures using
performance qualified welders and welding operators. Procedures and
welders shall be qualified in accordance with ASME BPVC SEC IX. Welding
procedures qualified by others, and welders and welding operators qualified
by another employer may be accepted as permitted by ASME B31.1. The
Contracting Officer shall be notified 24 hours in advance of tests and the
tests shall be performed at the work site if practicable. The welder or
welding operator shall apply his assigned symbol near each weld he makes as
a permanent record. Structural members shall be welded in accordance with
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