Maximum allowable steam working pressure of [_____] kPa (gage) psig,
as designated by the symbol "P" in the ASME Code and determined by
employing the allowable stress values, design rules, and
dimensions therein.
Feedwater temperature of [_____] degrees C degrees F at entrance
to the boiler plant.
Elevation of [_____] meter feet above sea level at the site.
Ambient air temperatures outside the plant of [_____] degrees C
degrees F minimum to [_____] degrees C degrees Fmaximum; average
inside temperature of [_____] degrees C degrees F and relative
humidity of [_____] percent.
Steam quality of [99.5] [99.0] [_____] percent.
total solids and [_____] ppm total alkalinity.]
Steam temperature of [_____] degrees C degrees F at the steam
drum outlet.]
Boiler Connections
Requirements for interconnecting piping, insulation, fuel supply,
[vibration isolation] [_____] and other related work necessary to provide a
complete and operable steam system, whether or not specifically mentioned
above, shall conform to applicable requirements of other sections of
Division 15, and electrical work shall conform to applicable requirements
in Division 16.
[Gas fired boilers shall have a steady state combustion efficiency of at
least 80 percent.] [Oil fired boilers shall have a steady state combustion
efficiency of at least 83 percent.] Boiler efficiency, when tested as
specified herein, shall be not less than [81-85] [percent when firing No.
[_____] fuel oil] [and] [78-82] [percent when firing [_____] gas]. Obtain
efficiency at all loads in a range from the lower limit of the turndown
ratio to 100 percent.
Furnace Heat Input
When boiler is operating at maximum rated output, heat input to furnace
shall not exceed limits specified in FS F-B-2902 both for input per cubic
meter foot of furnace volume and input per square meter foot of effective
Steam Quality
The steam releasing surface, drum internals, and steam passages out of the
drum shall be such that, with load swings from [50] [75] to 100 percent of
the rated capacity per [1] [3] minute period at a boiler feedwater solids
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