Controls." Submit detailed written record of the start-up
performance, including burner setting data over the entire load
range, to the cognizant authority before the Contractor's and
sub-contractor's test personnel leave the site.
SD-07 Certificates
Report of prior installations
Engineer's qualification resume
Start-up plan
Start-up certification
Submit evidence that boilers meet requirements of standards
specified below. Include with the certificate of compliance
acceptable evidence that standards are met. Acceptable evidence
of meeting these standards will be the official UL listing for
oil-fired, gas-fired or gas-oil fired boiler assemblies, as
applicable, plus the appropriate official ASME symbol stamp.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Submit in accordance with Section 01781 OPERATION AND
MAINTENANCE DATA. Submit evidence for boiler, boiler controls,
permanent service organization is either maintained by each
manufacturer or is trained and franchised by the equipment
manufacturer, which will be able to render satisfactory service to
the equipment on a regular and emergency basis. Provide the name
and telephone number of the person to contact for services.
The Contractor shall provide the service of a qualified engineer or
technician for start-up, testing, and installation of equipment as
specified below. Provide the services of technician or engineer until the
installation of equipment is coordinated and completed with checkout. The
Contracting Officer reserves the right to reject the engineer or technician
proposed if the engineer or technician's qualifications are not suitable or
are questionable. More than one engineer or technician may be provided
based on the types of specific equipment. One engineer or technician as
appointed by the Contractor shall supervise and be responsible for the
overall installation, start-up, and testing and checkout of systems.
Report of Prior Installations
Boilers, burners, combustion controls, and feedwater equipment shall be of
proven design. Submit evidence to show that substantially identical
equipment of comparable capacity within 20 percent has been successfully
installed and operated in not less than three installations under
comparable operating conditions for a period of not less than 2 years.
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