General Start-Up Requirements
Prior to initial operation of complete system, check each component as
Inspect bearings for cleanliness and alignment and remove foreign
materials found. Lubricate as necessary and in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations. Replace bearings that run roughly
or noisily.
Adjust direct drives for proper alignment of flexible couplings.
Provide lubrication when a particular coupling so requires. Check
security of couplings to driver shafts. Set drive components to
ensure free rotation with no undesirable stresses present on the
coupling of attached equipment.
Check motors for amperage comparison to nameplate value. Correct
conditions that produce excessive current flow and that exist due
to equipment malfunction.
Check speeds of each motor and driven apparatus to ensure that
motors are operating at the desired point.
Check actual suction and discharge pressure of each pump against
desired performance curves.
Check pump packing glands or seals for cleanliness and adjustment
before running each pump. Inspect shaft sleeves for scoring and
proper placement of packing; replace when necessary. Ensure
piping system is free of dirt and scale before circulating liquid
through pumps.
Inspect both hand and automatic control valves. Clean bonnets and
stems, tighten glands to ensure no leakage, but permit valve stems
to operate without galling. Replace packing in valves that
require same to retain maximum adjustment after system is judged
complete. Replace entire packing in valves that continue to leak
after adjustment. Remove and repair bonnets that leak. Coat
packing gland threads and valve stems with a suitable surface
preparation after cleaning.
Inspect and make certain that control valve seats are free from
foreign matter and are properly positioned for intended service.
Check flanges and packing glands after system has been placed in
operation. Replace gaskets in flanges that show signs of leakage
after tightening.
Inspect screwed joints for leakage and remake each joint that
appears to be faulty. Do not wait for rust to form. Clean
threads on both parts, apply compound and remake joint.
Thoroughly blow out strainers through individual valved blow-off
connection on each strainer prior to placing in operation.
Thoroughly blow out or dismantle and clean strainers after systems
have been in operation one week. Thoroughly clean, repair, and
place back in service traps or other specialties in which foreign
matter has accumulated, causing malfunction or damage.
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