Provide pipe guides for alignment of pipe connected to free unanchored end
of each expansion joint. Support pipe rollers in concrete conduits and
trenches by extra strong steel pipe with ends inserted in slots provided in
concrete walls. Set pipe supports for rollers at correct elevations either
by metal shims or by cutting away of concrete and after pipe lines have
been placed in alignment, grout ends of pipe supports and fix in place.
Space pipe supports to provide adequate support for pipes. Pipe shall not
have pockets formed in the span due to sagging of pipe between supports,
caused by weight of pipe, medium in the pipe, insulation, valves, and
fittings. Maximum spacing for pipe supports for steel pipe shall be in
accordance with ASME B31.1; maximum spacing for supports for copper tubing
shall be in accordance with MSS SP-69.
Copper Tubing
Copper tubing shall have solder joints with solder suitable for
pressure-temperature ratings of piping system. Tubing 20 mm 3/4 inch and
smaller for instrument air may be compression joint in lieu of soldered
joint. Tin-antimony (95/5) solder is suitable for saturated steam up to
103 kPa (gage) 15 psig but tin lead (50/50) solder is not acceptable for
steam service. Flux shall be non corrosive. Wipe excess solder from the
Provide pipe sleeves where pipes and tubing pass through masonry and
concrete walls, floors, and partitions. Space between pipe, tubing, or
insulation and the sleeve shall be not less than 6 mm 1/4 inch. Hold
sleeves securely in proper position and location before and during
construction. Sleeves shall be of sufficient length to pass through entire
thickness of walls, partitions, and slabs. Sleeves in floor slabs shall
extend 13 mm 1/2 inch above the finished floor. Firmly pack space between
pipe or tubing and the sleeve with oakum and caulk on both ends of sleeve
with elastic cement.
Flashing for Buildings
Where pipes pass through building roofs and outside walls, provide proper
flashing and counter flashing and make tight and waterproof.
Outlets for Future Connections
Locate as directed capped or plugged outlets for connections to future
Screwed Joints in Piping
Use teflon tape or suitable pipe joint compound applied to male threads
only for making up screwed joints. Piping shall be free from fins and
burrs. Ream or file out pipe ends to size of bore, and remove chips.
Welded Joints
Weld joints in piping by the metal-arc or gas welding processes in
accordance with ASME B31.1 and as specified in Section 15216N WELDING
PRESSURE PIPING. Number or mark each weld to identify the work of each
welder on welds on which stress relieving or radiographic inspection is
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