or semi-steel body with stainless steel internals equal percentage
flow characteristics and a full size port. Provide valve actuator
including travel indicator, hand jack, valve positioner, and air
supply filter-reducer set. Valve shall move to open position in
case of failure.
Gage Glasses
Provide to cover the entire range of water level in the storage section.
Gage glasses shall not be greater than 610 mm 24 inches center-to-center.
Provide gage glasses complete with [chain operated] ball check shutoff and
drain cock valves and safety shield.
Provide high and low water level alarms for storage tank as follows:
High Water Level Alarm: Switch with stainless steel float and
trim. Locate switch to close circuit when water level rises to 25
mm one inch below overflow level of storage tank.
Low Water Level Alarm: Switch with stainless steel float and
trim. Locate switch to close circuit when water level falls to
[_____] meters feet [_____] mm inches above bottom of storage tank.
Coordinate alarms with annunciator panel as indicated.
NOTE: Use multiport valve on systems where
deaerating heater will be subject to occasional
Provide valve capable of relieving not less than [_____] kg per second
pounds per hour of steam with not more than a [_____] kPa (gage) psig
pressure rise when set at [_____] kPa (gage) psig initial operating
pressure. Set pressure shall be fully adjustable by means of an external
handwheel or chain operator for a range of zero to 172 kPa (gage) 25 psig.
Locate on low pressure steam header manifold for the deaerating heater.
Valve shall be multiport vapor cushion type rated for operating
temperatures up to but not greater than 149 degrees C 300 degrees F with
Class 125 cast iron body, bronze trim and carbon steel springs.
Type [I (cast iron)] [II (fabricated steel plate)] of [_____] mm inch size
with [_____] mm inch diameter drain, and a capacity of [_____] kg per second
pounds per hour of steam at [_____] kPa (gage) psig.
Boiler Feed Pumps
NOTE: Use this paragraph for centrifugal boiler
feed pumps. If regenerative type turbine pumps are
required for the smaller capacities, they must be
specified. Use Style 1, horizontal split case pumps
in all sizes where available. Pump service
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