NOTE: Performance data should be provided at other
than or in addition to "design day" conditions, or
the 1% or 2.5% outdoor "Summer Design Data - Air
Conditioning" dry-bulb (Db) temperature conditions
defined in TM 5-785-1. Peak humidity loads arising
from ventilation or makeup air occur when the
outdoor specific humidity (Gr./lb) is highest,
frequently at dry-bulb temperature conditions other
than design day, or 1% or 2.5% outdoor summer design
dry-bulb temperature conditions. Also, there may be
significantly more hours occurring annually at
conditions of higher outdoor specific humidity than
at higher outdoor dry-bulb temperature. However,
dry-bulb temperature can be important, as at times
during the summer when the regeneration heating
required is less than capacity due to a relatively
low outdoor dry-bulb temperature that is coincident
with a relatively high outdoor specific humidity.
The foregoing is predicated on the assumption that
outside air would be used as the source of process
air and regeneration air. Obviously, other
arrangements are possible, such as facility exhaust
air providing the source of regeneration air, or a
mixture of both return and outside air, providing
the source for process air. Designer needs to
indicate the range of humidities the equipment
should cover in the plans or specifications.
Before each desiccant system is accepted, tests to demonstrate the general
operating characteristics of all equipment shall be conducted by a
registered professional engineer or an approved manufacturer's startup
representative experienced in system startup and testing, at such times as
directed. The tests shall measure quantities listed below. Tests shall
cover a period of not less than [_____] days for each system and shall
demonstrate that the entire system is functioning in accordance with the
drawings and specifications. Corrections and adjustments shall be made as
necessary and tests shall be re-conducted to demonstrate that the entire
system is simultaneously functioning as specified. A report shall be
prepared for each desiccant system, including the information outlined
below. Data for the tests shall be taken at least three different times at
outside wet-bulb temperatures which are at least 3 degrees C 5 degrees F
Liquid Desiccant System
Date and outside weather conditions (at least two parameters to
define the state of the outside air: DB (dry bulb temperature),
Gr./LB (grains water per LB dry air), Wb (wet bulb temperature),
The load on the system based on the following:
CFM entering the system (Process and Regeneration).
Conditioner side - entering air conditions (Db, Gr./LB).
Conditioner side - discharge air conditions (Db, Gr./LB).
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