report for each welder and welding operator. Submit the assigned
number, letter, or symbol that will be used in identifying the
work of each welder.
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
PE pipe and fittings
manufacturer's visual joint appearance chart.
Welder's Qualifications
Comply with ASME B31.8. The steel welder shall have a copy of a certified
ASME B31.8 qualification test report. The PE welder shall have a
certificate from a PE pipe manufacturer's sponsored training course.
Contractor shall also conduct a qualification test. Submit each welder's
of the welder. Affix symbols immediately upon completion of welds.
Welders making defective welds after passing a qualification test shall be
given a requalification test and, upon failing to pass this test, shall not
be permitted to work this contract.
PE Welder's Qualifications
Prior to installation, Contractor shall have supervising and installing
personnel trained by a PE pipe manufacturer's sponsored course of not less
than one week duration, or present proof satisfactory to the Contracting
Officer that personnel are currently working in the installation of PE gas
distribution lines.
Safety Standards
49 CFR 192 [and 49 CFR 195].
Handle, transport, and store plastic pipe and fittings carefully. Plug or
cap pipe ends during transportation or storage to minimize dirt and
moisture entry. Do not subject to abrasion or concentrated external loads.
Discard PE pipe sections and fittings that have been damaged.
Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance Warranty
For each product, component and system specified in this section as a
"computer controlled facility component" provide a statement of Y2K
compliance warranty for the specific equipment. The contractor warrants
that each hardware, software, and firmware product delivered under this
contract and listed below shall be able to accurately process date and time
data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing, and
sequencing) from, into, and between the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000 and leap year calculations to the
extent that other computer controlled components, used in combination with
the computer controlled component being acquired, properly exchange data
and time data with it. If the contract requires that specific listed
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