compliance with contract requirements.
Drawings shall consist of:
Piping layouts which identify all valves and fittings.
b. Plans and elevations which identify clearances required for
maintenance and operation.
SD-03 Product Data
Refrigerant Piping System
Manufacturer's standard catalog data, at least [5 weeks] [_____]
prior to the purchase or installation of a particular component,
highlighted to show material, size, options, performance charts
and curves, etc. in adequate detail to demonstrate compliance with
contract requirements. Data shall include manufacturer's
be provided for the following components as a minimum:
Piping and Fittings
Piping Accessories
Pipe Hangers, Inserts, and Supports
Spare Parts
Spare parts data for each different item of equipment specified
in Army projects only.
Qualifications[; G][; G, [_____]]
[_____] copies of qualified procedures, and list of names and
prior to non-factory welding operations.
Refrigerant Piping Tests[; G][; G, [_____]]
A schedule, at least [2] [_____] weeks prior to the start of
related testing, for each test. The schedules shall identify the
proposed date, time, and location for each test.
Demonstrations[; G][; G, [_____]]
A schedule, at least [2] [_____] weeks prior to the date of the
proposed training course, which identifies the date, time, and
location for the training.
Verification of Dimensions
A letter, at least [2] [_____] weeks prior to beginning
construction, including the date the site was visited,
conformation of existing conditions, and any discrepancies found.
SD-06 Test Reports
Refrigerant Piping Tests
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