degrees C (550 degrees F) 550 degrees F before and during grinding. Clad
welding will not be permitted to achieve transitions for compromise joints.
[Align compromise joints of rails for single-flange wheels only along top
and gage side of rails.] [Welded compromise joints shall be by the
thermite method.]
Anchor Bolts
Provide pairs of anchor bolts for connection of rail clips and crane rails
to base plate and supporting grade beam. At crane track fittings, provide
separate groups of anchor bolts for connection of fittings to base plate
and to supporting grade beam. [Install anchor bolts with epoxy grout
specified herein into 50 mm (2 inch) 2 inch diameter holes drilled into
existing concrete rail support beams.] [Cast anchor bolts into new
concrete grade beams.] Tighten anchor bolt nuts to snug tight using the
effort of an ordinary man with a 6'-0" spud wrench. Perfrom tightening
with properly calibrated wrenches [or by turn of nut method]. Longitudinal
spacing shall be as indicated.
Base Plates
NOTE: Base plates shall be installed in accordance
with Sketch No. NFGS-14606-2. The sketch is based on
61 kilogram (135 pound) 135 pound crane rail and
should be modified as required to reflect actual
size of crane rail to be installed. Show sketch
Install as indicated and as specified herein. Install 25 mm (1 inch) 1 inch
thick base plates to support rail, switches, frogs, and throw mechanism
housings. Shape base plates, as necessary, under [switches] [and] [frogs].
Furnish plates with anchor bolt holes located and drilled in field or shop
fabricated; use as template for setting anchor bolts. In no case shall
bolt holes be enlarged in the field. Do not torch, cut holes. Provide
finished plate free of bows, bends, and lips, and cleaned of grease and
oil. After installation of rail, vertically align base plates to within
plus or minus 3 mm (1/8 inch) 1/8 inch of the profile grade elevation
indicated by adjustment of base leveling nut and washer underneath plates.
After installation, check to ensure proper grade and alignment of the base
plates and install temporary hold-down nuts before grouting with nonshrink
grout. After grout has hardened, and with rail clips, crane rail, and
fittings in place, tighten anchor bolt nuts to snug tight using the effort
of an ordinary man with a 6'-0" spud wrench.
Crane Track Fittings
Crane Switches
Install fittings and throw mechanisms atop steel base plates and align
vertically by means of leveling nuts as indicated. Connect switch points
to adjacent rails by means of [bolted] [welded] joints. [Secure the nuts
of bolted joints in place with a cotter pin through the bolt.] Install
throw mechanisms complete in housings as indicated. Mechanisms shall
operate smoothly and reliably and hold the switchpoints in position
securely, against motion of crane wheels.
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