the Contracting Officer.
Ultrasonic Inspection of Welded Rail Joints
[The Government will inspect each weld ultrasonically following the visual
inspection.] Perform ultrasonic inspection and testing of each weld in
accordance with MIL-STD-1699. The Contractor shall correct or replace
defective welds. Clean rails at testing locations as directed by
Contracting Officer. The method of correction shall be as approved by
Contracting Officer.
Load Test
Load test of trackage will be performed by the Government prior to work on
concrete flangeways, encasements, and pavement. The load test is to be
performed after completion of track work, but before rails are covered by
concrete flangeways and encasements. The load test for crane trackage will
consist of a portal crane supporting a load designated by the Contracting
Officer traversing new track work. The crane shall operate without
difficulty, without binding of crane wheel flanges, or without visible rail
deflection. Vertical movement of the ends of crane [switches] [and]
[turntable frogs] shall not exceed 3 mm (1/8 inch) 1/8 inch during the
passage of any crane. Contractor shall correct or replace defective welded
rail joints, rail, and fittings. Correct the causes of excess deflections,
and retighten anchor bolts loosened under crane wheel loading.
Throw Mechanism Operational Test
Test throw mechanisms for effectiveness, security, integrity, and
mechanical and electrical sections of the specifications.
Retest corrected and replaced items.
As-Built Survey
NOTE: An as-built survey may be required where
alignment of crane rails, gage reduction, or
orientation of fittings is expected to be critical
or problematic. The survey may be performed by
Contractor, Government, or independent surveyor.
NOTE: Include bracketed (last) sentence if
Contractor is to perform as-built survey.
At completion of crane track replacement work, and before start of work on
concrete flangeways, encasements, and paving, [perform] as-built survey of
crane track alignment [will be performed by Contracting Officer. Notify
Contracting Officer [_____] calendar days in advance of the availability of
the crane trackage for conducting the survey. Execution of the survey will
require [_____] days for completion]. Deviation of as-built horizontal
crane rail alignment in excess of tolerances specified herein will
constitute grounds for rejection of the work. Surveys, in addition to the
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