locate so as not to interfere with the proper function of the plate.
Anchor Bolts
ASTM A 183, square head [25] [_____] mm [1][_____] inch) 1 [_____] inch
diameter steel. Provide each bolt with two finished hexagon nuts and one
spring washer. Bolt threads shall conform to ANSI B18.2.1, and nuts and
threads to ASME B18.2.2. [For bolts fastened to existing grade beams
determine lengths in the field after the elevation of the concrete support
beams has been determined and the finished profile grade from the drawings
has been taken into consideration.] [Minimum length of anchor bolt shall be
[_____] mm [_____] inches.]
Nonmetallic Nonshrink Grout
Provide grout under base plates as indicated. Grout shall be high early
strength, nonshrink, nonmetallic, with components passing the No. 4 sieve
and proportioned so as to provide a 3-day compressive strength of not less
than [28] [45] MPa ([4,000][6,500] psi) [4,000] [6,500] psi as determined
by ASTM C 109/C 109M, an expansion-to-original length ratio of 0.018 to
0.020 as determined by ASTM C 157, and a bond strength of not less than 140
MPa (20,000 psi) 20,000 psi (for vertical sample) when tested in accordance
with ASTM C 234. As an option, commercial premixed grout may be used if it
meets the strength, workability, nonshrink, and nonmetallic requirements
herein specified. When the depth of grouting exceeds 25 mm (1 inch) one inch,
the addition of crushed stone, 6 to 10 mm (1/4 inch to 3/8 inch) 1/4 inch
to 3/8 inch maximum size, to the grout mixture will be allowed. The ratio
of grout to crushed stone by weight shall be maximum 2:1 or as specified in
the manufacturer's instructions. After installation, cure the nonshrink
grout a minimum of 3 days in accordance with the curing requirements as
recommended by the manufacturer.
Epoxy Grout
ASTM D 1763, two component, Grade 1. Provide epoxy grout for cored anchor
bolt holes in existing concrete grade beams. Aggregates for epoxy grout
shall conform to ASTM C 144.
Portland Cement Concrete
Concrete for flangeways, [grade beams] and [encasements] shall conform to
basic or short form Section 03300N CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE.
NOTE: Use Section 05650, "Railroad Track and
Accessories" and AREMA Manual and PTWP for standard
gage railroad track intersecting with crane tracks.
Provide specification for guardrails as required
opposite rigid frogs for use by standard gage
wheels. Where guardrail flangeway is for use by
crane wheels, provide adequate flangeway width or
flare. For a railroad in dual gage with crane
track, add references as required for half ties or
rail on grade beam foundation.
In accordance with Section 05650 RAILROAD TRACK AND ACCESSORIES.
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