NOTE: If deviation from the military specification
is necessary, include the phrase, "except as
specified in paragraph entitled "_____." Either
specify the deviations in the appropriate paragraph
or list together in a new paragraph.
Manually-operated switch throw mechanisms and
housings are commercially available items and should
be supplied and pre-tested by the switch
manufacturer whenever possible. NAVFAC Definitive
Drawing No. 1404353, "Portal Crane Track Switch
Throw Linkage," contains definitive details for a
manually operated throw mechanism but may not be
similar to commercially available units. If
paragraph entitled "Power-Operated Switch Throw
Mechanism" is used, then paragraph entitled
"Manually-Operated Switch Throw Mechanisms and
Housings" must be used.
Provide power-operated switch throw mechanism with all the features
specified for the manually operated switch, except remove the throw handle
mechanism (and retain at the site for backup operation) and allow the
switch operation to be accomplished with the aid of a hydraulic linear
actuator driven by [compressed air] [electric] power. Provide utility line
connections to the power unit as indicated. Minimum performance
characteristics for [turntable frog] [switch point] shall be as follows:
[_____] mm [_____] inches
[_____] mm/s [_____] inches per second
[_____] N working [_____] pounds
[_____] N [_____] pounds maximum]
Provide storm water drains for [turntable frogs,] [double-tongue switch
points,] [_____] and [throw mechanism housings] to prevent ponding of water
therein. Provide 100 mm (4 inch) 4 inch diameter steel drainage pipe lines
conforming to ASTM A 53 to drain the fittings and housings as indicated.
Slope pipes not less than 2 percent.
Base Plates
ASTM A 36/A 36M or ASTM A 283/A 283M. [Provide continuously welded plates,
except where existing crane rail base covers the joint between the plates.]
[Stagger rail joints and base plate joints.] Shape plates to conform to
the configuration of rail curvature and to each special fitting. Minimum
width of plates under rails shall be 300 mm (12 inches) 12 inches. Minimum
length of plates shall be 1200 mm (4 ffet) 4 feet and maximum length 3000
mm (10 feet) 10 feet. Minimum edge distance for holes as indicated.
Provide [28] [_____] mm ([1-1/8][_____] inch) [1 1/8] [_____] inch diameter
anchor bolt holes, field or shop fabricated. Provide grouting holes 50 mm
(2 inches) 2 inches in diameter in plates wider than 900 mm (3 feet) 3 feet.
Center grout holes, spaced approximately 600 mm (2 feet) 2 feet apart, and
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