"pump to cylinder" oil supply line. Provide hangers or supports for all
piping. Provide welded or threaded forged pipe fittings that are located
between the shut off valve and the cylinder inlet.
Low Oil Condition
Provide device for [each] elevator to protect pumping equipment in event
oil level is too low. When device is in operation, the pump and motor
shall stop, causing car to descend to lowest landing, open car doors and
cease elevator operation except for door control circuits. Provide
illuminating indicator on machine room control panel to alert upon a low
oil condition.
Oil Characteristics
a. Viscosity, Saybolt Universal Seconds 145 to 160 at 38 degrees
C 100 degrees F.
b. Viscosity, Saybolt Universal Seconds 42 to 44 at 99 degrees C
210 degrees F.
Pour Point, ASTM D 97, -26 degrees C -15 degrees F maximum.
d. American Petroleum Institute (API) Gravity 29 to 33 at 15
degrees C 60 degrees F.
Flash Point, ASTM D 92, 190 degrees C 375 degrees F minimum.
Oil Temperature Device
Provide means to maintain oil temperature between 15 and 38 degrees C 60
and 100 degrees F regardless of ambient temperature.
Cylinder-Plunger Unit
Provide a [direct] [indirect] plunger type hydraulic elevator. Provide a
plunger of single-piece seamless steel construction. Provide stop plate or
ring welded to bottom of the plunger. Provide packing and wiper (drip)
ring with outlet for connection to the scavenge oil reservoir to collect
leakage oil from cylinder for either inspecting for contamination or
returning to tank. Use only standard packing glands with bolts that
compress packing. Provide threaded 6 mm 1/4 inch bleeder valve at top of
cylinder just below packing gland. Telescopic cylinder-plunger units are
not acceptable.
Cylinder Protection
Protect the cylinder with a pipe-manufacturer applied "Applied Extruded
Coating." iInclude the following steps as a minimum for the AEC coating
application process: blast clean the bare pipe exterior surfaces to white
metal, apply a minimum of 0.25 mm 0.010 inch undercoating of heated butyl
rubber adhesive; and apply a minimum of one mm 0.040 inch thickness
overcoating of polyethylene, hot extruded over the undercoating. Free
overcoating of surface blemishes, cracks, voids, and contamination from
foreign substances. Provide field pipe joints and coating repairs with
field applied coatings covered with heat-shrinkable pipe sleeves, following
the cylinder manufacturer's instructions. Protect the AEC coating from
damage until the cylinder is set into the cylinder well, plumbed, and
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