Pipe hangers and supports; G
Actuating station; G
Control panel; G
Storage batteries; G
Smoke detectors; G
Spot heat detectors; G
Alarm horns; G
[Audio] visual alarms; G
Dampers; G
Warning signs; G
Battery charger; G
For valves, include data for tank shut-off valve, master valve,
selector valves, and by-pass valves. Data shall clearly indicate
compatibility of detectors with control panel provided and maximum
number of detectors permitted per zone.
SD-05 Design Data
Fire extinguishing system calculations; G
Substantiating battery capacity calculations; G
Open-area (spot type) smoke detectors calculations; G
SD-06 Test Reports
Open-area (spot type) smoke detectors; G
Submit copies of UL listing or FM approval data showing
compatibility of the smoke detector model being provided with the
control panel being provided, if 2-wire detectors are proposed for
Fire extinguishing system preliminary tests; G
SD-07 Certificates
Installer qualifications; G
Test procedures; G
Installation personnel; G
Current UL listings or FM approvals; G
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