connections to be made under pressure. Bolt sleeves around the mains; bolt
valve conforming to AWWA C500 or UL 262 to the branch. Open valve, attach
drilling machine, make tap, close valve, and remove drilling machine, all
without interruption of service. Notify the Contracting Officer in writing
at least [_____] [15] calendar days prior to the date the connections are
required; approval shall be received before any service is interrupted.
Furnish all material required to make connections into the existing water
supply systems, and perform all excavating, backfilling, and other
incidental labor as required. [Furnish] [Government will furnish only] the
labor and the tapping or drilling machine for making the actual connections
to the existing systems.
Equipment, materials, installation, workmanship, fabrication, assembly,
erection, examination, inspection, and testing shall be in accordance with
the NFPA standards referenced herein. Install piping straight and true to
bear evenly on hangers and supports. Piping shall be inspected, tested and
approved before being concealed. Provide fittings for changes in direction
of piping and for all connections. Make changes in piping sizes through
standard reducing pipe fittings; do not use bushings. Cut pipe accurately
and work into place without springing or forcing. Ream pipe ends and free
pipe and fittings from burrs. Clean with solvent to remove all varnish and
cutting oil prior to assembly. Make screw joints with PTFE tape applied to
male thread only.
NOTE: When the water supply for the AFFF system is
Disinfect new water piping from the system control valve to the point of
connection at the water main and existing water piping affected by the
Contractor's operation in accordance with AWWA C651. Fill piping systems
free available chlorine and allow solution to stand for minimum of 24
hours. Flush solution from systems with clean water until maximum residual
chlorine content is not greater than 0.2 mg/kg ppm.
NOTE: For facilities located in a marine
environment specify SSPC SP 11 cleaning and specify
a second topcoat.
Clean, prime, and paint new foam systems including valves, piping, conduit,
hangers, miscellaneous metal work, and accessories. Apply coatings to
clean dry surfaces using clean brushes. Clean the surfaces in accordance
with [SSPC SP 3] [SSPC SP 11]. Immediately after cleaning, prime the metal
surfaces with one coat of FS TT-P-664 or SSPC Paint 25primer applied to a
minimum dry film thickness of 0.04 mm 1.5 mils. Exercise care to avoid the
painting of operating devices. Upon completion of painting, remove
materials which were used to protect operating devices while painting is in
process. Remove operating devices which have been inadvertently painted
and provide new clean operating devices of the proper type. Finish primed
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