Preliminary Tests[; G][; G, [_____]]
[Three] [_____] copies of the completed Preliminary Tests
Reports, no later that [7] [_____] days after the completion of
the Preliminary Tests. The Preliminary Tests Report shall include
both the Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for
Underground Piping and the Contractor's Material and Test
Certificate for Aboveground Piping. All items in the Preliminary
Tests Report shall be signed by the Fire Protection Specialist.
Final Acceptance Test[; G][; G, [_____]]
[Three] [_____] copies of the completed Final Acceptance Tests
Reports, no later that [7] [_____] days after the completion of
the Final Acceptance Tests. All items in the Final Acceptance
Report shall be signed by the Fire Protection Specialist.
SD-07 Certificates
Inspection by Fire Protection Specialist[; G][; G, [_____]]
Concurrent with the Final Acceptance Test Report, certification
by the Fire Protection Specialist that the sprinkler system is
installed in accordance with the contract requirements, including
signed approval of the Preliminary and Final Acceptance Test
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Operating and Maintenance Instructions
[Six] [_____] manuals listing step-by-step procedures required
for system startup, operation, shutdown, and routine maintenance,
at least [14] [_____] days prior to field training. The manuals
shall include the manufacturer's name, model number, parts list,
list of parts and tools that should be kept in stock by the owner
for routine maintenance including the name of a local supplier,
simplified wiring and controls diagrams, troubleshooting guide,
and recommended service organization (including address and
telephone number) for each item of equipment. [Each service
organization submitted shall be capable of providing [4] [_____]
hour on-site response to a service call on an emergency basis.]
Hydraulic calculations shall be as outlined in NFPA 13 except that
calculations shall be performed by computer using software intended
specifically for fire protection system design using the design data shown
on the drawings. Software that uses k-factors for typical branch lines is
not acceptable. Calculations shall be based on the water supply data shown
on the drawings. Calculations shall substantiate that the design area used
in the calculations is the most demanding hydraulically. Water supply
curves and system requirements shall be plotted on semi-logarithmic graph
paper so as to present a summary of the complete hydraulic calculation. A
summary sheet listing sprinklers in the design area and their respective
hydraulic reference points, elevations, actual discharge pressures and
actual flows shall be provided. Elevations of hydraulic reference points
(nodes) shall be indicated. Documentation shall identify each pipe
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