connection. Provide pressure pump sensing piping in supply piping [upstream
of fire pump].
Pipe and Fittings
Provide outside-coated, cement-mortar lined, ductile-iron pipe, and
fittings conforming to NFPA 24 for piping under the building and outside of
building walls. Anchor joints in accordance with NFPA 24. Provide
concrete thrust block at the elbow where the pipe turns up toward the
floor, and restrain the pipe riser with steel rods from the elbow to the
flange above the floor. Minimum pipe size shall be 150 mm 6 inches.
Minimum depth of cover shall be [_____] [one meter] [3 feet] at finish
grade. [Piping beyond 1.50 meters 5 feet outside of building walls shall
be provided under Section 02510 WATER DISTRIBUTION.]
Provide as required by NFPA 24. Gate valves shall conform to UL 262 and
shall open by counterclockwise rotation.
Post Indicator Valves
Provide with operating nut located about one meter 3 feet above finish
grade. Gate valves for use with indicator post shall conform to UL 262.
Indicator posts shall conform to UL 789. Provide each indicator post with
one coat of primer and two coats of red enamel paint.
Valve Boxes
Except where indicator posts are provided, for each buried valve, provide
cast-iron, ductile-iron, or plastic valve box of a suitable size. Plastic
boxes shall be constructed of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) or
inorganic fiber-reinforced black polyolefin. Provide cast-iron,
ductile-iron, or plastic cover for valve box with the word "WATER" cast on
the cover. The minimum box shaft diameter shall be 133 mm 5.25 inches.
Coat cast-iron and ductile-iron boxes with bituminous paint applied to a
minimum dry-film thickness of 0.254 mm 10 mils.
Buried Utility Warning and Identification Tape
Provide detectable aluminum foil plastic backed tape or detectable magnetic
plastic tape manufactured specifically for warning and identification of
buried piping. Tape shall be detectable by an electronic detection
instrument. Provide tape in rolls, 80 mm 3 inches minimum width, color
coded for the utility involved with warning and identification imprinted in
bold black letters continuously and repeatedly over entire tape length.
Warning and identification shall read "CAUTION BURIED WATER PIPING BELOW"
or similar wording. Use permanent code and letter coloring unaffected by
moisture and other substances contained in trench backfill material.
Provide where piping passes entirely through walls, floors, and roofs.
Secure sleeves in position and location during construction. Provide
sleeves of sufficient length to pass through entire thickness of walls,
floors, and roofs. Provide 25 mm one inch minimum clearance between
exterior of piping and interior of sleeve or core-drilled hole.
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