new water piping, analyze by a certified laboratory, and submit results
prior to the new water piping being place into service. Disinfection of
systems supplied by nonpotable water is not required.
Connections to Existing Water Supply Systems
Use tapping or drilling machine valve and mechanical joint type sleeves for
connections to be made under pressure. Bolt sleeves around the main
piping; bolt valve to the branch connection. Open valve, attach drilling
machine, make tap, close valve, and remove drilling machine, all without
interruption of service. Notify the Contracting Officer in writing at
least [_____] [15] days prior to connection date; receive approval before
any service is interrupted. Furnish materials required to make connections
into existing water supply systems, and perform excavating, backfilling,
and other incidental labor as required. [Furnish] [Government will furnish
only] the labor and the tapping or drilling machine for making the actual
connections to existing systems.
Buried Piping System
Bury tape with the printed side up at a depth of 305 mm 12 inches below the
top surface of earth or the top surface of the subgrade under pavements.
Perform test to determine compliance with the specified requirements in the
presence of the Contracting Officer. Test, inspect, and approve piping
before covering or concealing.
Preliminary Tests
Hydrostatically test each system at 1379 kPa (gage) 200 psig for a 2 hour
period with no leakage or reduction in pressure. Flush piping with potable
water in accordance with NFPA 13. Piping above suspended ceilings shall be
tested, inspected, and approved before installation of ceilings. Test the
alarms and other devices. Test the water flow alarms by flowing water
through the inspector's test connection. When tests have been completed
and corrections made, submit a signed and dated certificate, similar to
that specified in NFPA 13.
Formal Tests and Inspections
Do not submit a request for formal test and inspection until the
preliminary test and corrections are completed and approved. Submit a
written request for formal inspection at least [_____] [15] days prior to
inspection date. An experienced technician regularly employed by the
system installer shall be present during the inspection. At this
inspection, repeat any or all of the required tests as directed. Correct
defects in work provided by the Contractor, and make additional tests until
the systems comply with contract requirements. Furnish appliances,
equipment, [water,] electricity, instruments, connecting devices, and
personnel for the tests. [The Government will furnish water for the
tests.] The [_____] Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Fire
Protection Engineer, will witness formal tests and approve systems before
they are accepted.
Field painting of fire extinguishing sprinkler system shall be specified in
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