NOTE: Select last bracketed statement for buildings
in seismic zones 3 and 4, and only essential and
high risk buildings in seismic zone 2. Refer to
NAVFAC P-355. Coordinate with structural designer.
Design automatic wet pipe fire extinguishing sprinkler systems in
accordance with the required and advisory provisions of NFPA 13, except as
modified herein, by [pipe schedules for [_____] [ordinary] [extra] hazard
occupancy] [or] [hydraulic calculations for uniform distribution of water
over the design area]. Discharge from individual heads in the
hydraulically most remote area shall be between 100 percent and 120 percent
of the specified density. Each system shall include materials,
accessories, and equipment inside and outside the building to provide each
system complete and ready for use. Design and provide each system to give
full consideration to blind spaces, piping, electrical equipment, ducts,
and other construction and equipment in accordance with detailed working
drawings to be submitted for approval. Locate sprinkler heads in a
consistent pattern with ceiling grid, lights, and air supply diffusers.
Provide sprinkler heads and piping system layout. Devices and equipment
for fire protection service shall be UL Fire Prot Dir listed or FM P7825
approved for use in wet pipe sprinkler systems. [Design systems for
earthquake protection.]
Location of Sprinkler Heads
Heads in relation to the ceiling and the spacing of sprinkler heads shall
not exceed [that permitted by NFPA 13 for [_____] [ordinary] [extra] hazard
occupancy.][ [_____] sq meter ft per head.] Uniformly space sprinklers on
the branch piping.
Water Distribution
Distribution shall be uniform throughout the area in which the sprinkler
heads will open. Discharge from individual heads in the hydraulically most
remote area shall be 100 percent of the specified density.
Density of Application of Water
Size pipe to provide the specified density when the system is discharging
the specified total maximum required flow. Application to horizontal
surfaces below the sprinklers shall be [_____] L/m per sq meter gpm per sq
Sprinkler Discharge Area
Area shall be the hydraulically most remote [_____] sq meter ft area as
defined in NFPA 13.
Outside Hose Allowances
Hydraulic calculations shall include an allowance of [_____] L/m gpm for
outside hose streams.
Calculate losses in piping in accordance with the Hazen-Williams formula
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