RF Power Output
Provide Transmitters with power output required for reliable reception, and
in no case less than one watt nominal. Power output shall be permitted to
be greater than one watt nominal, if required for reliable operation over
required distances.
Provide transmitters with memory capability. Simultaneous or subsequent
actuation of zones , including those actuated during "off air" periods,
shall not result in the loss of any messages. All messages shall be stored
until they are transmitted.
Transmission Confirmation
Provide transmitters which produce an audible or visual indication that
the transmitter is operating and an alarm signal is being sent, whether the
transmission is initiated automatically by an alarm condition or manually.
Automatic Test
Provide transmitters which automatically transmit a test signal at least
once in each 24 hour period.
Transmitters shall also allow manual
actuation of test signal by a secured (not publicly accessible) means.
Automatic actuation shall be initiated by a solid state programmable
electronic device. Stability of the electronic device shall be plus or
minus one minute per month or better. Test time(s) shall be programmable
without removing the transmitter from the enclosure. For one-way radio
systems, the test shall be initiated at the transmitter; for 2-way
polling/interrogation systems, the automatic test shall be part of the
normal polling/interrogation function.
Battery Monitoring
Provide transmitter with battery monitoring in accordance with NFPA 72.
Inputs/Zone Connections
Except for transmitters shown as "street boxes" on the contract drawings,
provide each transmitter with a minimum capacity, including any modules
required, of 6 initiating circuit inputs (zones) for connection to
protected premises fire alarm and suppression / extinguishing system
control units, [and dry-contact initiating devices utilizing Form A dry
contacts]. The specific zone connections for each transmitter shall be as
shown. When the number of zone connections shown exceeds the maximum zone
capacity furnished in a single transmitter, provide additional
transmitters at that location to connect to all zones shown.
Zone Annunciation
Provide transmitters with separate red alarm and yellow trouble lamps to
indicate the status of each initiating zone.
Zone Disconnecting Means
Provide transmitters with switches to disconnect individual zone inputs
from the transmitter without disconnecting wiring. Disconnecting a zone
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