to allow fire department quick access to panel.
When both a remote trouble sounder and remote
annunciator are required, specify an annunciator
with trouble sounder for dry indoor locations.
Where a weatherproof enclosure is required, specify
a separate trouble bell.
Provide panel located as shown. Mount with panel centerline 1.5 m 5 feet
above finished floor elevation. Panel shall duplicate all requirements
specified for the control panel annunciator, except that individual zone
trouble lamps are not required. Lamps shall be LED type, except lamps used
in backlighted panels shall be LED or neon type. Panel shall have a lamp
test switch. Zone identification shall be by means of [permanently
attached rigid plastic or metal plate(s)] [or] [silk-screened labels
attached to the reverse face of backlighted viewing window(s)]. Panel
shall be of the [interior] [weatherproof] type, [flush] [surface]
[pedestal]-mounted. [Provide panel with an integral audible trouble
sounder which shall operate in conjunction with control panel audible
sounder. Provide panel with trouble silence switch which shall comply with
the requirements for a trouble silencing switch as specified in paragraph
entitled "Control Panel".]
Graphic Annunciator Panel
NOTE: Graphic annunciator panels should be provided
only when a large number of concealed devices are
installed. Normally, exposed devices will be
annunciated by zone only on the fire alarm control
panel zone annunciator and remote zone annunciator.
Edit accordingly. Locate panel(s) at or near
building entrance to allow fire department quick
access to panel.
Provide panel located as shown. Mount with panel centerline 1.5 m 5 feet
above finished floor elevation. Panel shall be of the [interior]
[weatherproof] type, [flush] [surface] [pedestal]-mounted. Panel shall be
provided with the [building] [room] floor plan, drawn to scale, with alarm
lamps mounted to represent the location of [each concealed detector] [each
initiating device]. Panel graphic shall also show the locations of the
annunciator panel and control panel, and shall have a "you are here" arrow
showing its location. Orient building floor plan on graphic to location of
person viewing the graphic, i.e. the direction the viewer is facing shall
be toward the top of the graphic display. Provide a North arrow.
[Principal rooms and areas shown shall be labelled with room numbers or
titles.] Detectors mounted above ceilings, [on ceilings,] and beneath
raised floors and different types of initiating devices shall have
different symbols or lamps of different colors for identification. Lamps
shall illuminate upon activation of corresponding device and shall remain
illuminated until the system is reset. Panel shall have a lamp test switch.
Trouble [Bell] [Buzzer]
NOTE: Provide a remote trouble bell or buzzer when
the control panel is located in a mechanical room,
electrical room, or similar space where the
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